We deliver connectivity infrastructure to build flourishing communities

We are united by the conviction that resilient communities need modern, multi-purpose fiber networks.

Passionate, humble, and multidisciplinary

Our team marries network design & construction, software development, cloud & network operations, data science, finance, public policy, and advocacy expertise to deliver on our mission.

We also benefit from prominent and engaged investors, and a deep bench of industry-leading partners—united by our shared belief in this solution to support prosperous, fair, and resilient communities.

Hear from some of our Underliners

I want to work at a fast moving, innovative company that’s doing good things in society. Being an Underliner means serving communities by listening to their needs and building a legacy that we can be proud of.

Jeff Bankston

Business Development

I want the time I spend at work to matter. Being an Underliner means starting every day with the passion to serve communities—using our unique skills and talents to provide valuable resources and services.

Cameron Scholze

Network Design

Underline’s mission resonates with my desire to help individuals and communities. Joining this company was a natural step to channel my dedication and energy towards the things I care about.

Eugene Yakhnenko


We’re passionate about closing the digital divide, understanding the cities we serve, and nurturing our relationships over time. We also care deeply about building internal camaraderie to execute relentlessly

Christine Marlowe


We serve cities by driving the development of environments rich with opportunities. Underliners are smart, curious, and passionate—essential qualities when you're executing big plans and navigating new territory.

Coty Beasley


I’m excited about our unique approach to connectivity and doing my part in service of our mission. I also love our spirit of interwovenness and the ethos of inclusivity that underlines everything we do.

Gus Priteto
