We're Connecting American Communities - Starting with Colorado Springs

Underline: Colorado Springs is the country’s first true open access fiber network with connections up to 10 gigabit for residents and 100 gigabit for business, and a competitive marketplace of providers.

In less than two years since founding Underline, we’ve started construction in our first market—Colorado Springs. This launch marks an important milestone in our work to connect American communities with the open access fiber networks they need to thrive; we’re excited to partner with the city of Colorado Springs and appreciate the diligent engagement from the Mayor’s office, the Chamber of Commerce, the National Cybersecurity Center, and local business and education leaders that has made this possible. 

With these partnerships, and project funding from global infrastructure investors, we're hitting the ground running and we're ready to transform the competitive landscape for internet access in the city—and ultimately in El Paso County as a whole. Colorado Sprints residents and businesses can learn more and connect to this new network at underline.com/cos.

“We have assembled the right  team, technology, service providers, and investors to prove our approach to intelligent community infrastructure—for Colorado Springs and for other communities around the country,” said Underline Founder and CEO Bob Thompson. “We believe this project will act as a model for how the private sector can work with public benefit in mind, connecting American communities with information access that's fast, affordable and fair.”

What’s happening?

We’re building the first true open access network in the U.S., bringing ultra-fast and affordable internet connections up to 10 Gigabit connections for residential customers, and up to 100 Gigabit for enterprise customers. Residents and businesses alike will benefit from choice and value, served directly to them on the competitive Underline Marketplace.

Why are we so excited?

More than 83 million Americans have only one choice when it comes to broadband providers. Our open access model breaks the big telecom monopoly and gives control back to consumers who can select their services from a range of options on the Underline Marketplace. 

Open access networks also serve to set communities up for future success with the essential fiber foundation for remote work and learning, responsible energy creation, mobility solutions,  and all other modernized and interconnected infrastructure.

What about the digital divide? 

We come to our projects with a distinct social purpose: to close the opportunity divide and ensure connectivity for all households. In Colorado Springs, almost 10% of households have no internet access at home at all. For households earning less than $35,000 a year, a full 22% have no access. Our commitment to universal connectivity means that we offer the same ultra-fast internet connection, 500/500Mbps,  to households in-need at a reduced price. The days when the poorest households get substandard service or none at all are over. With our open access fiber network and Opportunity Program, access to the internet is fast, affordable, and fair.

So, what are the service options? 

For residential subscribers, 500/500 Mbps costs $49/month, the symmetrical gigabit connection will cost $65/month, and the symmetrical 10 Gigabit option will be available for $295/month. In addition, 500/500 Mbps will be available at a reduced price for qualifying households as part of the Opportunity Program

Micro-enterprises will benefit from 500/500 Mbps service for $79 /month and symmetrical Gigabit service for $95 /month. Pricing for small, medium, and enterprise business customers will be dependent on specific needs with speeds up to 100 Gigabits. All network members can select from a number of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) on a dynamic, competitive marketplace. The first three full service ISPs on the marketplace are Adaptive Fiber, InfoWest, and StratusIQ. A speciality business provider, Capcon Networks, has also joined.

How can you connect to better internet in Colorado Springs?

1. Visit underline.com/cos and express your interest in joining the network

You’ll be prompted to add your name and address so we can add you to the list! 

2. Encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same

The order in which we connect neighborhoods is based on demand! 

3. When prompted, select your services and installation date 

When construction reaches your neighborhood, you’ll be prompted by email and mail to choose the services you want, checkout, and select your installation date.

4. Crews attach the fiber to your location and install your equipment to get you online

That’s it!

What are people saying about this?

Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers:

“Colorado Springs has established itself as a leader in technology and innovation, to include cyber security and software development. We’re pleased that Underline has chosen to activate in our growing and dynamic city.”

Dirk Draper, President & CEO, Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce & Economic Development Corp:
“Access to high-speed internet is a major factor as businesses grow locally or make plans to relocate into Colorado Springs. The addition of the nation’s first true open access 10 Gigabit network is a significant asset to our region, allowing businesses to innovate while relying on this enhanced infrastructure in our community. We welcome Underline to Colorado Springs.”

Dr. Venkat Reddy, UCCS Chancellor:
“We are proud to partner with Underline on the nation’s first true open access 10 gigabit fiber network.Some of our most important work is to develop the workforce of the future, and this investment into our community will have positive impacts on residents and businesses in the wider Colorado Springs community.”

General Harry Raduege, CEO of the National Cybersecurity Center:
“One of the core missions of the National Cybersecurity Center is to drive and bring awareness to cyber security innovations in the United States. As an early collaborator with Underline, the NCC shares common goals of securing American communities and ensuring that, through new technology, our Nation and citizenship have what they need to grow and thrive in the modern world."

Shawn Gullixon, Board President of District 11 Schools:
“Over the last year we’ve seen the impacts of the digital divide in our schools. I’m delighted that the new community fiber network from Underline will provide a sustainable, long-term solution for affordable high-speed internet across Colorado Springs. As the Board President, I know that Underline’s Opportunity Program for low-income families will be a game changer for our students and families most in need, helping to extend the learning day for students from the classroom to their homes.”

Mike Juran, Altia CEO:

“The pandemic has upended the reality of work. Altia's team needs lightning speed at our next gen office space in the heart of downtown Colorado Springs, as well as the homes, coffee shops, schools and public spaces where our employees and their families are learning and working. Underline is the only company meeting that need today, exactly when we need it. Underline’s key contributions to our infrastructure will enable Colorado Springs to truly become an epicenter for the next generation of tech workers to live, work and play."

Bob Thompson, Underline CEO:

We’re excited that the City and our other Partners have welcomed us to deploy a first-of-its-kind network, right here in Colorado Springs. We have assembled the right  team, technology, service providers, and investors to prove our approach to intelligent community infrastructure—for Colorado Springs and for other communities around the country. We believe this project will act as a model for how the private sector can work with public benefit in mind, connecting American communities with information access that's fast, affordable and fair.”
