Video: What are Open Access Networks?

What does it mean for a network to be open access? How does this model help consumers, service providers, and communities? Kyle Glaeser, Underline Networks Director, explains.

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The core attribute of open access networks is the separation of physical infrastructure from the provision of services and content.

This approach represents a sharp diversion from the vertically integrated model of the major incumbent ISPs who own their infrastructure and have monopoly rights to deliver content and services across it.

In the open access model, the network infrastructure is neutrally owned and operated by an entity that does not provide service.

This system offers unheard of choice to consumers across internet, TV, telehealth,  entertainment, 5G, smart city applications, and other services; it lowers barriers to entry for service providers who do not have to build their own infrastructure; and it ends infrastructure overbuild in communities since all service providers can utilize the same shared network infrastructure.

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