Jason White

Head of Software & Platform Solutions
at Underline
Underline Infrastructure Inc
Underline Infrastructure Inc
Company Profile

Systems Architecture & Engineering. Large-scale deployments in Healthcare IT & Biotechnology. Passionate about family, nature, and elegant architectures.

Their detailed bio:

Jason White leads Engineering at Underline. For more than 30 years, Jason has provided thought leadership, guided cultural change, and applied his technological expertise to industries ranging from biotechnology and healthcare IT, to food processing, documentation management, digital wellness, and blockchain. Jason has repeatedly built innovative teams that pragmatically challenge the status quo, and has guided those teams to success. His previous major deployments have been in biotechnology and healthcare IT, in which he grew large teams of full-time employees, managed multi-million dollar budgets and helped close acquisitions and exit events by demonstrating technological excellence. Jason connects the dots between business vision, organizational structure, and technology strategy.

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